Government Aided College Affiliated to HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar


Status : 2 (f) & 12(B) Accredited by NAAC

Bachelor of Library and Information Science

Bachelor of Library and Information Science

The job of librarian has undergone tremendous change in to functions, methods, techniques and ranges of services. The intensification of research activities has significantly influenced the library activities and development in their services. In the face of the situation where a public library has become important elements in the life of a community, an academic library has become an essential part of educational institutions and a special library has become indispensable. The management of various types of libraries has caused challenging problems. The objective of B.Lib. & I.Sc. is to produce trained library professionals to cope up with the need of managing the libraries in a better and professional way.

Our college library is enriched with over 40 thousands books and large no. of journals having essential base for practical knowledge of the subject.

Dr. M.P.Gupta

Guest Faculty

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