Government Aided College Affiliated to HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar


Status : 2 (f) & 12(B) Accredited by NAAC

Department of English

Department of English

The English Department was opened in 1961 along with the department of Hindi. Initially the Department started to foster the competency in language among the Under Graduate students of the college. Later on it flourished as the Department of English Studies.

Mr. Chandrika Prasad Sinha was the first person to lead the Department. He joined in 1966. He was a scholarly man with an intellectual bent of mind and an avid reader. Later on in 1967 Mr. R.C. Sharma joined the English Department.

Following Mr Sinha’s retirement, Mr. R. C. Sharma took over the Department as the HOD and carried on the traditions of the Department forward.

In the year 2000 Mrs Satyavati Mathur and Dr. Pratyush Vatsala joined the Department and in 2001 it was upgraded to Post Graduate Studies and Research.

In 2004 Dr. Pratyush Vatsala took over the charge as HOD of the Department after retirement of Mrs. Mathur and added a new dimension by promoting research activities.

Present Faculty: -

  • Dr. Pratyush Vatsala (Asso. Prof.)
  • Dr. Bidyut Bose (Asst. Prof.)
  • Dr. Neelu Raut (Guest Faculty)

Dr. Bidyut Bose

HOD & Associate Professor

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