The study of biotechnology deals with any technique that uses living organism to make or modify products to improve plants or animals (including man) or to develop micro-organisms for specific uses. It is an integration of several disciplines including molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, genetics and biochemical engineering. The linkage between basic and applied research and new discoveries and innovations can find direct applications in agriculture and human health. The broad areas of application of biotechnology are fermentation, food processing, energy, health care, agriculture, waste treatment etc. Plant cell and tissue culture and animal cell culture are the other areas of biotechnology having wider applications.
Analysis predicts that biotechnology will be one of the most important applied sciences in the 21st century. Every day seems to welcome yet another important advancement in the field and with each development a chance to grow a business. India is amongst world’s top 12 biotech powers growing at 25% rate and capable of providing one million jobs in the next five years.
The curriculum of post graduation in biotechnology has been designed, so that it may impart education competitive to the needs of academic and industry.